Sunday, February 15, 2015

My Siblings

Hello my peoples!
I have told you guys about my siblings but I have never shown you them. Well, here are some photos of them! The order is oldest to youngest.

Here is Zoe! She is with a cousin.

This is Wil!
He loves catching lizards! :)

Here is cute Charlie! He is holding a plush toy Toad from Super Mario Brothers wii.

Here is Lily!

And lastly, Poppy!
She loves playing dress up!

So now you know what my siblings look like! I hope you like their pictures! 


Saturday, February 14, 2015

An Award??? For Me?!?!

Hi guys! 
Wow! It has been a long time since I have posted anything! Meanwhile, my good friend Maggie has nominated me for the "Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award"! Yay!! Thank you, Maggie!

Along with this award comes five fun rules! They are:

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their site.

2. Put the award logo on your site.

3. Answer the ten questions they asked you. 

4. Make up ten questions for your nominees to answer.

Now you know the rules. Ok, Maggie, time for your questions!

1. What's the best book you have read recently? 
That would have to be the Lord of the Rings series. I really don't know which book of the series I like most!

2. What's your favorite song of all time?
Definitely "Me Without You" by Toby Mac!

3. What is a hobby or interest of yours that no one would expect?
Interestingly enough, raising money for myself! I am always trying to find new ways to raise money. Also buying many things for the Fourth of July (which most of them I never use!) 

4. What is currently stressing you out?
That I am writing this post all over again (I accidentally deleted it.) :( 

5. What is a reason not to be stressed out about that thing you answered in #4?
It is fun to write to my fans!

6. What is your favorite memory?
That would be my tenth birthday surprise party. I was really surprised! 

7. Who is your biggest role model and why?
That is definitely my mom! It amazing that she is able to take care of all six of us and also take care of the house!

8. Biggest pet peeve?
I have a DEEP fear of tight places (claustrophobia). 

9. What is a misconception that you are learning to overcome?
That being a mom will be easy. I mean, just babysitting is hard!

10. Finally, what are you currently  eating/wish you were eating?
I wish I was eating Saltwater Taffies!! I have recently fallen in love with them!

Now that I am done with the awesome questions, I would like to recommend some awesome blog to look at! 
1. My mom's blog at "Life's Little Miracles"
2. My Aunt Sandy's blog at "Joy in the Journey" 
3. Claire's blog at "The Journey is Love"
4. Maggie's blog at "Blenders and Phobias"
5. Faith's blog at "Secret Agent Unicorn"
6. A group's blog in China at "Little Flower Projects"  

These guys have great blogs! And if there are some of you out there who haven't been nominated for the award, go ahead and answer these questions on your blog or have someone ask you some questions and answer them on your blog. You don't have to have an award of some sorts to answer fun questions! Have a blast! :)  Oh and Happy Valentines Day! 
