Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Movies, Trips, Nervousness, and Babies

Hi, guys and gals!  This is my second post and I am loving this blog so far!  Have any of you watched "How to train your Dragon"?  Today we got the movie!  We are going to watch it tonight, after the little girls go to bed.  It is an awesome movie (we already got to see it on vacation)! It is  "Spectacular!  A must see!"  I can hardly wait for number two to come out.  It will, trust me.  We have seen some previews of the second one and it is awesome!!
  A week from Saturday, I will be going to Chicago with a cousin.  Why you ask?  Well, my mom's parents are taking each of their grandchildren, at the age of twelve, on a birthday trip.  "Wait, aren't you thirteen?" you say.  Yes, I am.  Last year we were planning on going to Denver, Colorado.  But we (my family) got sick, so we weren't able to go.  So we are going this year.  We are going to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  I can't wait!  This is the first trip I'm going to take with no one in my immediate family (dad, mom, my three sisters, and my two brothers).  Unfortunately, I will be gone on Wil's birthday!  I have to confess that I'm nervous about going on this trip.  I'm the type of person that worries about trips, all the time!  I mean, no matter how hard I try, I can not stop being nervous.  And most of the time, when I'm nervous about forgetting to bring something, I DO forget something!  So if anyone has any ideas about controlling nervousness, PLEASE tell me.
   Last night we went to our church's Care Group.  Anyway, please pray for a mom in our Care Group who is due with a baby TOMORROW!!  Pray that all will go well.  Another mom in our Care Group (there are several families in our Care Group) had a baby three weeks ago. It's a girl and she is the cutest little thing!  I would love to take her home!  Sometimes I'll tell myself, "I can't wait until I have a child of my own!", and other times I'm telling myself, "Well...I would like for a child of my own, I just don't like going through the process.".
    I love posting to you guys and gals and I can't wait until I can post again!


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